Sunday, April 14, 2013

Is this boring?

I'm in bed - I have to work in the morning....I got home from working with my sponsee and I went and got some groceries, ate, took care of the dog, cleaned a little, did dishes, watered the plants, threw out the garbage, cleaned the mouse trap and reset it.  Just in case you were wondering what that dead smell was - it was a baby mouse in the trap.  OH - so when the trap gets up trapped and it's on its side - something dead is in it usually.  Duh and GROSS.  I ate some sorbet, wrote down all my money I spent, filed some papers - who the fuck am I?  It took forever to get home tonight....train to a train to a bus and then I had to walk.  I got on the wrong bus and next thing I knew we were at Fort Tryon Park - at the fucking END of the park and the driver was like "LAST STOP."  She actually had to say it to me like 5 times because I was reading.  What a pain in the ass.  Now I'm in bed.  Oh - don't worry - I flossed and lotioned and I have on clean pj's.  Is this boring?  I love doing all this - having things clean and but - well - when do I get to have sex again?  I need to go to sleep.  I want to just quit that job - I felt hung over today - I felt so gross and I even got enough sleep!  I ate 45 tater tots last night.  Maybe 35 but still - so many.  Maybe that's why I feel hung over.  Good night - I have to sleep.  Love you Bluebers.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...