Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Staycation still and getting over it.

So this was my fourth day off in a row.....although I still went to class and meetings and - what else?  Cleaned, cleaned and cleaned some more, did all my fucking laundry and jog/walked everyday.  That's a lie - yesterday I just walked - I was too - perioded out to jog.  I Spring Cleaned I did!  I did 5 loads of laundry today and I had to make - 2 trips each way to be able to carry it all.  I just went and got myself flowers.  I threw out my fan because I couldn't clean it.  What you say - that seems extreme doesn't it?  No - I hate that fucking fan - it's from Creepy's house and it only has 2 leg and it reminds me of the guy - he couldn't sleep without the fan and it was dirty and I couldn't clean it because the stupid thing was stuck together so fuck that fan.  I almost didn't want to get rid of it because what if he comes back?  I won't have a fan.  What?  First of all I am getting a new fan and not because of the fucking douche bag - but because I - like everyone in the world - like to have a functioning fan that I can clean if I want to.  Also - he's not coming back because although a huge part of me wants that - an equally large part wants to let this go.  I threw out the little dolls he gave me also.  Ugh.  I had SUCH an amazing class last night!!!  It was SO MUCH FUN.  I really let it rip - HA - the class loved it - AND my spontaneous scene partner.  I just let the character be in my body and I had fun - it was great.  I must say I am fascinated by this goals thing - I mean I guess in reality that's the idea - set goals and then go for it.  Well my apartment is finally functioning and my drawers are organized and I ate at home every single day and did the dishes!!  I mean - amazing.  I'm exercising and ugh - this is exhausting me.  Whatever.  Not whatever - it makes me nervous is all.  Okay - look I just watched Mulholland Drive - watch a piece of shit that movie was.  I HATED it - blech.  So fucking stupid.  I need to watch something I love ASAP or sleep is going to be a disaster for me.  I'm all over the place - who cares?  I need to calm the fuck down.  Who am I?  I don't know - someone who does a lot of chores I guess.  Bye Bluebers - I'm sober and I love you.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...