Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Clean apartment, dirty mind.......

I cleaaaaaned, did laundry, wept, changed the sheets, watched 5 episodes of New Girl and then got naked and got in my clean sheets.  I slept SO badly because I ate 9 ravioli and a thing of chocolate/peanut butter Hagen Daaz ice cream before bed.  My heart was POUNDING for an hour and a half.  The good part?  I was able to get naked.  The bad part?  Why am I eating pasta before bed?  Can you even believe this is what I am writing about?  I had so much fun cooking ( I also made fried pepperoni and scrambled eggs) and doing dishes and cleaning last night and I thought to myself "Maybe I am just boring actually a boring person - who loves doing these things?"  Then I got naked and was like - "Oh - I'm not that boring."  Then I could not sleep and when I did I just kept thinking about all these men.  I'm lying.  I was just thinking about one guy.  It was so weird - or is it?  Here's the good part - today I was thinking about my Facebook page and how I needed to make it more mysterious and - HAAAA - what?  I was like - OHHH - I need pictures where I only look intense and awesome.  Like someone will only like me if I have awesome, intense photos on Facebook.  Hahahaaa - I am really laughing right now because I can't think of anything that I am less.  Wait - I am intense and awesome and a total fucking goofball.  I have to say - I changed my mind very quickly and I found that so empowering.  I have been thinking a lot lately about getting my power back.  I mean I changed my mind about what people think about me via my Facebook page.  I just got so tired.  What am I talking about?  Here's what I want - I don't want to care what people think about me anymore and I want my fucking power back.  I also never want to straighten my bangs ever again.  Only 4 more hours of work - cool.  Bye Blueberry.

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The Core of Me.

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