Sunday, August 18, 2013


THAT SHOW WAS SO MUCH FUN TONIGHT.  I am not even kidding - holy fucking shit I can't even believe I am getting to do shows again.  this is blowing my mind.  I mean this is really blowing my mind.  I got up today and went to speak at an alanon meeting which I was totally regretting on the way there and then it turned out to be awesome - then I went to an AA meeting and sat behind literally the most famous person who I have ever seen at a meeting and I'm not kidding you - they smelled AMAZING - what is THAT???  I waited on Eddie Murphy once - he ordered a vodka and orange juice and he only drank like half of it and sat there with his entourage for like 2 hours and do you know what I remember about him??  HE SMELLED FUCKING AMAZING.  I stink.  WELL I GUESS YOU KNOW THAT IF YOU HAVE READ ANY OF THIS BLOG.  I smell better than I used to though!!  So anyway - that was so much fun tonight and I was fucking so exhausted and once again my spot was at 12:10 a fucking m.  But guess what???  So worth it - so fucking worth it.  My friend was there and she taped it for me so that's good.  What?  I just - I don't know what else to say - I never thought I would get to do this again and I'm still not really doing it but I'm getting there.  It's so much fun it's crazy.  I was rather unprepared for how much the audience liked it.  I just didn't think about it and did it.  Lord - lord have mercy.  That person must have rubbed off on me.  I also have been working my ass off.  I just got so tired I love you Bluebie bye.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...