Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm going to buy my own fucking power drill.

I never thought I would be able to get my own apartment or do any of the - seemingly - normal things - or even easy - things I have done by myself without a guy.  Now I am going to buy my own power drill and put up my own blinds.  I think I am also going to take a writing class at The Open Center.  I was going to go back to college and get my Master's in writing but maybe I will start with a class first.  I need to do something - I'm so lonely and bored.  So - I made myself an ice coffee just now.  I have saved so much fucking money already by moving - I'm not even kidding.  I mean - I spend so much less.  I haven't spent a single cent yet today - how AMAZING IS THAT?  I have my own fucking ice cubes so I don't need to go buy and ice coffee - I can drink one here for about $3.00 less.  I'm waiting for the super to try to fix the drain in the tub and sink in the bathroom and I'm also waiting for the guy to come fix the intercom.  I might have to go get the power drill on my way downtown.  Hmmmm.  I printed out a map - I don't understand the streets up here yet.  Hey!!  That's interesting right???  Bye Bluebie!!!  I love you!!

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The Core of Me.

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