Sunday, October 7, 2012

Such a great weekend.....

my friend came it was so wonderful - such a gift.  The show on Friday night was at this cute theater on this adorable block and then we went to this amazing little wine and cheese bar and I ate so much cheese.  So much cheese.  I worked 2 different jobs and today we went to this cozy little diner and my life is so much more ABUNDANT now.  I mean - I DO things.  I get out of bed and I can take a shower first before I leave the house.  Right now I am so sleepy but I have highlights in my hair and I have to rinse them out first.  I used the oven for the first time tonight.  It works - it's a scary oven but it works.  Well!  Holy fuck - it's powerful.  There is a muffin pan in the oven.  It had 2 cookie sheets, cookie drying racks and a muffin pan.  I'm going to make muffins.  And - I don't know - other things you bake in the oven!!  I'm so excited!  It was such a nice weekend - well today was rainy but i still liked it.  What am I going to do about this job situation?  I mean with the comedy club?  I have so out grown it - I still need the money.  I need to just get another job but but but.  I love my friend so much.  She was so inspiring to me this weekend.  What a blessing in my life.  The air mattress was a big hit and my new floor model couch.  I'm so tired right now.  I spent a lot of time in Barnes and Noble today.  I absolutely love being surrounded by books.  It is glorious.  I have to wash this stuff out of my hair.  I love you Blueberry.  So much.

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The Core of Me.

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