Thursday, June 28, 2012

I just decided something.

This move plus my birthday are bringing up lots of thoughts of regret - not having kids - not being Angelina Jolie...blah blah blah.  But here's the thing - at almost every stage of life (and I am laughing while realizing this - okay - grinning) I have been regretful.  Okay so this is what I have decided - I am making the best of it from now on.  I was able to move in 3 WEEKS and I am in a better place and the happy dog is proof of that.  Now I have the freedom to make the most of it - in every area of my life.  Total acceptance - totally making the best of it.  I just want to get lined up with God.  I guess I would also like to not be SO creeped out by people and perhaps me having a better attitude will help with that.  I also need a good book to read - that would help also.  Bye Bluebie!!!  I love you!!!

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The Core of Me.

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