Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My Phone Rang!

I was in the middle of writing this post when my phone rang and it was someone from the program that was having a bad day, and her call saved me.  I also was not having a good day and I was writing all about it here - the VERY important why's and how's of my day, blah blah blah and then she rang.  So we talked and I felt so much better.  I got out of myself - got out of my head.  Then I deleted everything I wrote because it was just - I don't know - I don't think it was authentic.  So then I called my sponsor, made lunch and now I feel much better.  I promised myself I would come back on here and write before I did a bunch of other things, get distracted and then get upset later that I didn't write.  So I am writing.

I didn't sleep well last night and I woke up at 5:30 so I still feel off & anxious - but - I am taking care of myself.  I had the craziest dream last night about climbing and jumping through this dome-like metal structure.  It was huge!  There was a man chasing me and I kept leaping from one metal piece to the other and some of them bent and dropped but then I would leap to a different piece.  I kept thinking while he was chasing me "I got this and you can't take this away from me!"  And then I was on this ladder formation piece of metal - it was like a gold/copper color - and it went flying doooooown and then to the side and I reached out and grabbed another part of the dome and in my head I was like "Fuck yeah!"  The man was chasing me from the ground though which is probably where part of my confidence came from - he wasn't even on the dome frame!  Honestly then the dream got really weird but I am going to spare you the details.


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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...