Saturday, May 2, 2015

Saturday Twitch

My eye is still twitching - ha.  I slept for 10 hours last night, got up and prayed & meditated and then went to a meeting.  It's beautiful outside and I made myself a healthy lunch and after I'm done with this tea I'm going to go into the park.  I made my coffee so much weaker this morning so I feel like I am about to fall over from tiredness.  So I'm having tea.  The guy said the tea won't make my eye twitch.  I stayed here last night instead of going to his place so I could get myself together.  I need to clean here and just - run errands and be in my own apartment.  Change some stuff around and organize.  I had a show last night and it was good.  I am beginning to realize that I have something to offer as far as comedy goes.  I was good last night - oh I should listen to it right now before I start tooting my own horn.  But everyone was having trouble and I did fairly well.  I just feel like I can express myself with comedy and - ugh - WOW - this is making me so uncomfortable to write this.  It's like my ego and my - what - low self-esteem are in direct conflict. Haha.  Two women came up to me after the show and said they like me which was awesome.  I mean because they were women - are women.  Anyway - I definitely lost focus and the audience a little bit - they were a tricky crowd - but overall it was good.  I feel like I really do have something to offer in comedy and I just dont feel like that so much with really anything.  That being said - I also feel like I am right at the beginning again.  I have a LOT of work to do.  Which wont all get done today so - okay - and sigh but also - okay.  Something to work towards.  This tea is great.  That class I'm taking is great - wait did I write about that already?  UGH - I'm so - brain clogged!  This cold hasn't gone away and neither has the eye twitch!  Okay - love you Bluebie bye.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...