Monday, September 14, 2015


I had class tonight - worked at the new job the last 2 days and saw the guy.  I got feedback from "The big show" that said to be more real and honest.  HA.  See?  You kick ass and then someone says to be more real.  Lord.  I can not believe it's my last week of this job.  I'm totally ready.  Really?  Well Im ready to be ready how about that?  ALso Im ready to have more time ot do comedy and other shit I love - like CLASS.  Ugh.  I was so tired tonight I just watched in class - then I left - forgot my cell phone - came back looked EVERYWHERE for it - someone called it - twice and I was crawling under a couch looking for it - if someone kicked it under there and another student came up and said "Are you still acitng?  CLass is over."  HAha.  What?  I changed my clothes at the new job (they gave me some clothes - we have to wear the clothes there and they gave me some pieces) and I left my whole entire own outfit plus sweatshirt - there.  Just there - the whole outfit - forgot it.  Lord have mercy.  I am TIRED I tell you.  Anyway.  Love you Bluebie bye.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...