Monday, September 30, 2019


Well I am here and I made it through September.  It's a been a crazy month.  Started a new job...shows, auditions, tons of shit and it was a great month.  I also went to court 3 times for that unfortunately crazy woman.  Turns out I was in the wrong court because we are not family and that's okay.  My friend is a lawyer and she told me what I can do instead.  Also the judge said to stay away from each other and I told the judge (and she was right there as well) that I will call 911 again.  So - that's - that.  I mean not really but that's what happened.  Boy did I follow through!  I went and got the police report...went to court TWICE and got her served by the police in her town....and then went to court and tried to get a restraining order.  I literally had no idea I could do any of that and I did it all almost by myself.  My friend came with me to court when crazy pants was going to be there and thank god because I almost shit myself when she actually showed up.  So anyway I am fucking completely convinced she is reading this.  Is that possible?  Um - I have no idea.  I'm answering myself.  Let me tell you what....if you have someone follow you in a certain type of car and then you start looking out for that person you are going to realize there is 100000000000 of these fucking cars.  Um a bagillion.  I'm fidning this so difficult because I feel like she is reading this.  Oh no!  I'm officially losing my mind!!!  I have a ton of shit to do anyway so I will write more in a few days.  I miss writing on here more!  I was so excited to day to get to write.  Love you Bluebie byeeeee.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...