Sunday, February 21, 2016


It's a disorder where hearing people chew sends you into an almost blackout rage. So I have that which is super fun. It's so amaaazi to me that there are people out there who can sit next to someone eating chips on a quiet train and not be enraged by it. Could care less. I guess these are the same type of person that can have one or two glasses of wine and not ruin their lives. We are all made so differently iguess. Well anyway a woman just now ate burger King or so.ething then pulled out a bag of roasted street nuts in a crinkly bag and I literally almost lost my mind. I'm sitting across the train diagonally back from her left side. She's facing forward. I Stared at her so hard eating those fucking nuts that she eventually slowly turned around and looked at me. I looked at her for about 10 seconds and then kept writing in my notebook but she did stop. How psychotic of me is that?? Maybe I should take a poll. I have to find out.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...