Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Pooping Boots

I just sat down to write and then looked at boots for 15 minutes.  I found some beaaauuutiful boots!  Omg!  I want those boots!  I also want to poop.  Do you poop a lot?  I think I was poop shamed at some point because I literally hold on for dear life, to my poop. I mean as with so many things I didn't "know" I was but I am realizing it now.  I went and got body work done yesterday and she was like "if you need to go just go" because we were focusing on that issue.  Then I felt major movement and I was MORITIFIED.  Then I was like "oh hell no - I am not pooping in this tiny apartment!  No fucking way!"  And so I realized - I have poop shame.

Can you imagine a poor little baby ashamed of pooping?  It's just natural!  Who cares!  A sweet little dog?  I mean it's worse when they are big and it's BIG poop to pick up but who cares?


I am ENRAGED about this. I am just a body, a human body that needs to eat, pee, poop, sleep and rest.  Also drink water.  And fuck - if I want to.  And whatever else I need to do.  WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK??  My sponsor said to me the other day that - wait did I say this already?  Let me I didn't - she said I have an issue with the space I take up.  She said it very kindly!  And I know she's right.  I just have an issue EXISTING.  But also I want TO BE THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE.

Okay so those are my 2 issues - the 2 programs....I'm sorry I exist and I EXIST AND I WANT TO BE THE BEST AND GET THE MOST.  Also I love your shirt.  What? 

I'm guessing if I pooped something magical like handmade boots I wouldn't feel so ashamed.  Is that what happens for some people?  They can poop anywhere because they are like "Oh I am about to create something SO wonderful!  Here we go!" 

Well this must have helped me somehow because I sneezed a bunch of times and then I pooped.  Also she helped me!  God we humans need so much help.  Or at least I do.

Okay bye bye.

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