Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I had class last night.  It was wonderful - so amazing - I feel so totally grateful and blessed to be taking this class.  I had an interesting (to me) thing happen - very recovery based.  I had that jewelry thing yesterday which I got my period right in the middle of - I think because it was a room of over 100 womena nd I think my period just got confused.  ANYWAY - I wasn't prepared for that and I felt soooo gross and confused.  Byt he time I got to class I really was a bit of a mess.  I met my scene partner early and we rehearsed but I felt so gross and I was like "Oh he hates me..." blah blah blah - right?  So then we get picked to go 14th and I told myself I would let myself go brush my teeth - freshen up - take CARE of myself before we rehearsed again (you leave 1 or 2 people before you onstage to prepare) and got to go onstage.  So I did - I took my time and took care of myself and then it was so much easier to work with him.  I also had told myself the scene wasn't funny and then I said stop thinking anything about it - just take the challenge and DO THE WORK.  And then guess what?  It was funny - there's so much in the scene and it's hilarious.  Okay gotta go and somehow try to sell something at this store today.  Love your blogger face.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...