Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I'm cornfused today.

I'm so out of it.  It might be the 3 sausages, mozzarella cheese, tostitos ( SCOOPS!) and chocolate I ate last night at midnight when I got home.  Oh and 2 eggs.  Haha - whoa - I have PMS.  Here's the great part - I ate it at home and then I cleaned the kitchen all up and got all ready for bed, did my yoga and went right to sleep.  I do feel slightly like I am going to explode but you know what - IT WAS GREAT.  Do you know I bought an umbrella on Monday before therapy and it didn't work - just wouldn't stay open and I returned it and then I found 10 dollars on the floor.  That was fun.  What else?  Ummmmm - class was good last night so that's good.  I need to get a great night's sleep tonight.  I'm unfocused but it's okay.  What else?  This is riveting isn't it?  Hmmmmm.......well - um - I love you Bluebers!!  So much - I will write more later when I'm awake and less bloated.  What?  Bye.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...