Friday, May 17, 2013

3:00 a.m. call time.

I'm doing this extra work - sorry - BACKGROUND - and the call time is 3:00 A.M.  HA - I really laughed when I saw that.  You know who else laughed?  My therapist.  Holy shit - no wonder I couldn't act when I was drinking - who the fuck can do this?  I worked today, went to therapy, went to class and now I'm home getting ready to leave.  Holy shit.  It's smokey in here - actually maybe it's stopping.  Okay - I have to say something about it - it's just not okay but whoever is doing it isn't doing it to upset me but - I feel gross right now and my eyes are bothering me - that's just not fair.  I'm going to find out if it's the man downstairs but I know it's the super.  That man is NEVER without a cigarette in his mouth and he is in his office 24/7.  I mean - if I don't sit on my couch or if I'm in the bathroom it's better.  I have to stop writing this and just say something and pay my rent on time so I can complain about it.  It's so GROSS.  How is it happening again - seriously?  Isn't it crazy that I live someplace AGAIN where there is cigarette smoke coming into my apartment?  At least I don't have to worry about someone coming into my room, leaving the door wide open and looking at my shit all the time PLUS cigarette smoke.  How is this helpful?  I had some coffee and it made more tired but it's also the cigarette smoke.  EW - I feel the same way I did when I smoked - weird tired, nacseous and like I need to lay down.  Awful.  IT's warm out now - they can smoke outside.  Okay - I'm going to stop.  I really feel like I am going to throw up.  Maybe I just had too much caffeine.  I'm going to lay down for a sec.  Bye.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...