Wednesday, March 27, 2013


When was the last time I wrote a goals list?  Who knows?  I'm trying not to panic although I am panicking for real.  I have a bad feeling and that is not good.  I hate April - it's where all bad things happen - everyone seems to die in April.  Um - REALLY?  I just am seriously nervous.  Well I guess I have no control right - over anything other than myself.  Jesus and not even that so much.  Okay so - what about some goals? 

1. Drink more pure water (no bubbles)
2. Exercise more - start jog walking at least twice a week and continue on my nightly small yoga routine (short not small)
3. Do my best to get really cute and do my absolute best a this job every day (minus today where I couldn't shower because I was late from not being able to get out of bed because I had a gallon less coffee yesterday and so I was so asleep it was insane)
4. Get a new job - from a place of love.
5. Do loving kind things for myself everyday.
6. Get auditions - at least one a week or at least try everyday to submit myself for some.
7. So take time each day to get a new job and get auditions.
8. Keep drinking lots of green tea and NO STARBUCKS.
9. Start doing sit-ups as part of my end of the night short yoga routine.
10.Wake up and accept every day - start getting happy asap in the morning and grateful.

Alright - that's all I can focus on right now.  Now I need to get my balls in check and ask my teacher if I can just take class once a week and pay him only half for April.  Is that what I want?  I don't know - I really don't.  I was going to ask him last night but then I just wasn't sure so I didn't.  Now I'm still not.  Okay - bye.  Love you Bluebie.

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