Thursday, November 14, 2013


Hi.  I don't want to be responsible.  I want someone else to do it for me.  Thanks - you're hired.  Ugh - seriously - this is the thing though - it's not working anymore - did it ever work?  No one can be responsible for me.  So I have a show tonight and while I was working on it yesterday I almost fell asleep.  Then I went to my friends house and we wrote and performed for each other and it made me mad.  Haha - then I worked on my play for class on the way home and DID fall asleep.  Then today - I haven't done any work on the show yet and I'm just tired and I don't want to but it feels wrong.  Not to work on it.  What am I talking about?  I'm so tired - that's all.  It's really cold and it's making the air more smokey everywhere in this city but really I just have PMS.  Okay - I have the day off tomorrow - I just have class.  Good and fine.  Um - so I don't really know what my point was except that I want to be more responsible - not just for my bills and shit but for my own art and my own feelings.  AWESOME - WELCOME TO GROWN-UP LAND.  What?  On another note that guy I went on the date with sent me 2 reaaaally long messages - texts - describing the dream he had about me where I was a post apocalyptic angle selling magic towels and I gave him one for free.  Something like that - so UM I'M SO CREEPED OUT and I am not going out with him again.  I don't know doesn't that seem like too much?  Or maybe it's not - I just got really uncomfortable and I don't understand and I really - I can't.  Maybe I just have PMS but a magic towel just grossed me out.  Haha - I am laughing - is nothing ever just normal and nice?  Haha - NO.  Anyway - so I'm going to go get some chocolate or work on my act or BOTH.  Oh BOY - I love your Blueberry font face.  Bye.

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The Core of Me.

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