Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Microwave Baked Potato
Years ago and I mean like 15 years ago my friend wrote a blog post about how she doesn't know how to do a lot of things but she knows how to sooth herself...make a baked potato in the microwave and I'm not sure what else but my mind was BLOWN by that concept. Nobody taught me to self-soothe. I think I was taught to beat myself up emotionally and stuff my feelings in whatever way possible. Or maybe they just ignored me. Or maybe they tried to talk to me and I was CRYING with everything in me because I was a little artist with a bagillion feelings and creative urges and no place to put them. Or who knows. Either way tonight I came home and I baked myself a potato, put ghee, pink Himalayan sea salt on it and fresh pepper and it was fucking delicious and SO SOOTHING. I was shocked by her blog post also because I was under the impression that POTATOES ARE BAD. I have recently learned and I probably already wrote about this but I am going to say it again that potatoes are not bad - frying them and putting cheese all over them is bad for you. TALK ABOUT SOOTHING THOUGH AM I RIGHT?? Ha. FUCK. Anyway ghee is just as fucking soothing. Yikes. I also made a little soup with arugula, garlic and micro broccoli greens & rice noodles. YUM. Anyway I am trying to soothe myself and recover from that crazy ass trip I went on. I am struggling with feeling like I - you know I am not even going to give it any power. I am struggling with soothing myself and letting myself heal. But I got this. I am reading a great book! It's called "What You Think Of Me Is None Of My Business." It's empowering and I love it. I read a book while I was on my crazy trip called "Take Good Care of The Garden & The Dogs." It was very sentimental and hard to read because EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER was about someone DYING and I honestly was like "IS THIS WOMAN OKAY!???" But what was wonderful was she wrote about a man who stopped doing cancer treatment because he didn't see how it could cure him and instead he moved to Alaska to heal FROM THE LAND. DID I WRITE ABOUT THIS ALREADY?? Fuck my chemo brain is in full action. Anyway he is alive and well. So I felt it was a sign to not take that fucking pill they want me to take. I have to go to the doctor next week and I know they are going to try to convince me to do it but well - I do not want to still. My daily walks and fresh foods plus meditation and healing are helping me. What isn't helping is when I don't go to alanon and then I think I am the most wrong person that ever existed. But guess what? I went and I feel better and now I am SELF-SOOTHING. I am fucking full from that soup. Who says that? Is it even a thing? To be full from soup and a potato?? I GUESS SO. Love you Bluebie bye!!
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Went by myself yesterday to get my MRI that I had scheduled but them also needed because my mammogram showed something. This week and the last 2 weeks have been CRAZY. I got stuck in an airport on the way back from this job and it was nuts. There was a state of emergency and they closed the airport. No flights in or out and no one working in the airport. It was fucking nuts. We all had to stay together and you know what I am not even going to get into it. I slept on a hard bench and I was SO PROUD of myself! I was a fucking trooper. Anyway I just got an email from the Dr. well I don't know - I got the report. I don't think I was supposed to but I did and unless I am reading it incorrectly I am okay. FUCK. FUCKING FUUUUUUCK. I just cried for 5 minutes. My holistic doctor says I will have certainty....that I will be able to be certain I am okay and although I have done so much to be okay I still wasn't sure. Plus they scared me at the mammogram. Anyway thank God. I am crying again. I don't want to cut my boobs off and I don't want to take a pill that is going to make me sick. I just don't okay? I don't want to and it's okay that I don't want to. Fuck I am really crying. God this has all been so intense. Anyway I also thought I was going to get fired from my job because I went to this other country and then got trapped in an airport that was closed for a state of emergency and that was SO CRAZY. Anyway they didn't fire me although I was late today and I felt like they were going to although the other night the mom said she wasn't going to she promised. COULD I BE MORE STRESSED OUT!? I guess so if I had my own kids. I don't think I am making a lot of sense and now I have to wake up at 4:30 to bring my guy to get his own test done. I am exhausted. Who knew I could do any of this? I did not know. God please help me to continue to be strong, be grateful and grow. Get out of my own way and trust. Love you Bluebie bye.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Just melted my curling iron.
Yeah I didn't know that could happen either. I guess where I am the electrical current is stronger? Or the conversion thing makes it hotter? I have no fucking clue but my hair looks fantastic. So there's that! But the tip melted off my curling iron and now my room smells like burnt glue. Again my hair is so cute. Agh! It's a convertor not a conversion - well wait it's a conversion thing actually. ANYWAY. I jogged by the ocean today in the pouring rain. Rain dripping out of my eyes! I was so proud of myself! I really have no fucking idea who I am. We weren't working today so I had plenty of downtime and I took care of myself. Now I am bored out of my fucking mind and I just remembered other stuff I could be working on but I had forgotten until just now. I did write a short script so that was good. Hmmmmm - I haven't had dinner but I have been snacking in my room for hours and now I'm not hungry. I think they are going to need us super early so I am just waiting to hear about that because you know it takes me for fucking EVER to get ready so I have to plan. I'm working with these kids and at breakfast this morning the girl said I seem a little crazy. UM - that's so mean! Haha and I was literally acting AS NORMAL as I possibly could. I really am wondering what she even based that on since she has not stopped talking about herself since I met her. HA. No seriously. I mean I never even talk very much when I first meet people. I wait to display my crazy thank you very much and I will have you know that I am THE MOST NORMAL CRAZY PERSON you will ever meet. Ugh! I can't give my power away! I just can't! I need to breathe and take care of myself and stay in myself. She was probably just trying to be funny but it didn't sound like a funny tone of voice. She didn't laugh either. She also had that judgy look in her eye. Okay whatever. I wrote it down, I complained about it - I got it off my chest and now we can move on. She's not going to be my best friend and she just showed her cards. Great. I can like her anyway and just be cautious. Yeah - all good. She doesn't know me. I am a little crazy but not for why she thinks. Who knows what she thinks! I'm doing great with all my alanon stuff right? HEALTHY STUFF OVER HERE. I can't find any meetings here - well I found a guy but I didn't get his email back in time to find out the meeting is over already tonight. Good Lord I am getting tired. Okay well LOVE YOU BLUEBIE! I am so happy I have you to talk to while I am here. xoxoxo
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Well so here I am...
doing what I love again. I am working on another acting job and I am pinching myself because it's in such a cool place! So that's what I was so worried about - I booked it and then had no idea what was happening. I went to 3 auditions for it! So fucking exciting and surreal. So surreal! Anyway I am trying to stay positive....my babysitting job didn't like it so that was fucking with my head....then a sponsee got upset with me and that fucked with my head. However what I learned with her is that I can't help anyone. I can't! I have been hearing people say it for years. YEARS. That all we do in the program is share our experience and then people will do with it what they will. So with this sponsee I just have helped SO MUCH & told her the answers over & over again and now I am angry but what is really good is that I don't want to do this to myself. I don't! How wonderful is that? She will be okay but I won't be if I continue with this behavior. I mean maybe she won't be but she wouldn't be even if I hurt myself trying to help her. Either way it's not up to me. God what a fucking relief to finally realize this. So the challenge now is to somehow be kind when I say this isn't working for me. Which I think I can do because I love her and I don't want the friendship to be ruined. My guy said to me that it's the alanon defect - that we help so much until we are angry about it. Ew. Years ago - God I can't believe I'm going to say this but this woman was basically trying to make me feel better about something - I was so upset.....crying - a real mess. Feeling super sorry for myself and she talke dot me a little bit, made a suggestion and then she said "Woooo - dealing with feelings! Ugh!" Then she shook herself off and said she had to go because she wanted to enjoy her day. She went out into the sunshine in her cute outfit and I thought she was jus the biggest cunt on the face of the planet. Now I get it. I mean I needed HELP. I was a drunk, high mess and that woman was not going to be able to help me. I mean she was being cunty for sure but she was taking care of herself. So my challenge is to be kind & loving while I take care of myself and not make this person feel like I am dismissing. I mean she is so difficult so it's enraging. But that doesn't matter - she isn't well and I am sorry for that but it's not because of me and there isn't one thing I can do about it. My experience is that I do and have done the work. For a long time. I hope one day at a time I continue to do the work. So that's it! That's my experience. What is also my experience is every single time I try to hard with a sponsee it doesn't work out anyway because I get angry. The I am the cunty one! Isn't it crazy that the kindest thing I can do is say "Okay well that's all I have to give. That's how I did it - that's all. I love you! You can do it if you want to." Now I am going to go for a walk in the sunshine. Love you Bluebie bye.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
My energy...
is coming back. This time last year I was till so tired and now I feel so much better. I just am starting to feel like I felt 20 years ago. Did I say this already? I just can't fucking believe it. I mean I used to just drag myself around and I was always exhausted. I am amazed at what I got done even though I was SO so tired. Ugh! I feel so bad for that tired person! How fucking long did I have cancer for? Plus I had 2 kinds! It's just surreal and insane and I am so fucking grateful that I feel better. I am sure a huge reason I feel better is because I eat completely different and I am able to exercise and I don't eat dairy anymore. I think it's fine for some people but it is horrible for me. But GOD I fucking loved it!! Who doesn't?? Good news there's nut cheeses now and they are super tasty! Greaaaaaat. Anyway I am still sitting here waiting to hear about this thing and holy fuck have I been learning patience. It's uncomfortable to go slow. It really is. Side note I had 3 cups of coffee today which has probably helped my energy level tremendously. I mean but it's different you know? It really is. It was such a pretty day today - gorgeous sunny fall day. It's amazing ot be alive and in the sunshine during the day.....I used to miss entire days......it was so sad. I just love being awake during the day! I mean I am a night person also but I just really get off on being alive when the world is alive - it's awesome! I had a really great show last night although it was a challenge. Big open bar with giant TV's and a DJ? Ha - fucking comedy - so ridiculous. They turned down the TVs for the show and the DJ stopped also - it was fun. IT was great to get my mind off this waiting. Did I tell you about that guy who I saw interview another guy in the hotel room? Not in a creepy way but about cancer? And how they were saying the opportunity that cancer gives you is to change everything....and do you know that I have eaten more vegetables in the last 10 months than in the last 10 years?? I mean maybe not but maaaaaaybe! I started to change all my food right before I found out I had cancer but now it's like a 180...I also never - okay almost never eat French fries anymore - delicious, crispy French fries. It's okay - I make yummy healthy potato things at home. I love being at home. I'm at home right now! Just sitting here with the dryer going waiting for my guy to come home. Nice & boring. I don't think I am going to get any answers about what I am waiting to hear about right now so I just have to plan my day for tomorrow. LOVE YOU byeeeeeee.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Flipping Out.
At the moment I am freaking out. Okay I am not freaking out anything like I used to freak out and it has been a really nice day. I got to go for a nice , sunny walk. I went to my ladies meeting and did stepwork with a sponsee. I'm waiting to hear about something and it is so fucking uncomfortable to wait. I have a show tonight and I need to write for it....God I don't think I can do this - I'm just on my toes here and it's not helpful to write over & over again that I am uncomfortable and anxious. I will write more later - love you Bluebie bye.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
It takes me 5 hours to get ready
and that's before I take a shower! WHAT THE FUCK. That's how much self-care I am doing and GOD I need it - seriously but what the fuuuuuck. How is that manageable?? By the time I'm ready I'm exhausted! Ha. Seriously though what the fuck. It will get easier and take less time. I'm proud of myself for taking great care of myself. It's cloudy today so it was hard to get going taking care of myself but I did it. Prayed, meditated, did the celery juice, yoga, walked, bands, healthy breakfast and I cried. I have to get a cry in or my day hasn't really started yet. I'm having so many new awarenesses and most of them are alanon related. I just realized suddenly I can't help anyone whether they did or didn't ask for the help. I can't help anyone AND I want people to change. I want people to be different but, I need to be different. I'm the one that needs to decide whether or not something is working for me. I spent most of my life waiting for men to change until I realized I was the one who decided......and I was the one who needed to change......and now I have spent another decade waiting for women to change until I realized after a LOT of pain - that I am the one who needs to change. Fucking siiiiiiigh. Who the fuck knew? Melody Beattie knew. HA. Because she writes all those books about codependency. We struggle and struggle and struggle and then one little thing happens and we are like "Oh - oh I am supposed to take a left not a right and then I get there in 5 minutes instead of 3 days? Okay - got it." Now I am left with PRACTICING THIS and CONTINUING to take care of myself by saying what does and doesn't work for me. Insulation. Insulating myself. Staying in myself. IM THE CAPTAIN OF MY OWN DAMN SHIP MOTHERFUCKERS. Such a strange concept that we need each other but also we are separate. This onion will continue to peel until it becomes another onion. I am cracking myself UP today. I have to go get a mammogram this week. Terrified. But also I am okay on some level. I think I'm more worried about the pain of it. I'm going to practice trusting. Let go and let God. Stay in my body and take care of it. Love it. Love myself. Honor my life. Trust that everything I am learning and doing to take care of myself is doing just that. And I will also think about one day not going to these tests. Yeah. Yeah. Okay love you Bluebie bye.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Growing Up.
I'm sitting here in my office on a Saturday for 2 minutes while I write this....I did a lot already today and I woke up at 6:30. It's sunny & chilly - definitely a Fall day. I just went and got groceries and I have a show later so I need to get ready for that. I went to Alanon this morning....I was looking a for a new alanon sponsor but I didn't get one. I did have a fantastic meeting and I felt so much better after I left. I really do have both dis-eases. I'm a completely self-centered drunk and then I am also driven MAD by other people's alcoholism and I want to fix them, change them, make them into something different so THAT THEY WILL BE OKAY. And then! I will be okay. Well I did that with men and it never worked and now I have done it with SO MANY female relationships and guess what? Didn't work. But the good news is that now I am learning all the time a different way to live. Recently and by recently I mean this week I had yet another one of these things happen and it has been driving me mad. Today I heard though to "take a step back" and that this is the healthy thing to do. I was doing that but I was mad. I'm still mad. This person asked for my help but doesn't like the help because the help is recovery and they don't want to do that. Which I understand but that's what I have to give. Soooooo basically this person told me I'm not nice & to back off. Which hurt my feelings but also was enraging mainly because I need alanon. I need to take care of myself and focus on myself and fucking stop trying to save, fix & help other people. This person wants a relationship with me but not really. They want a therapist or I don't know a babysitter but not a relationship. Not a back &forth REAL RELATE-TIONSHIP. But okay do I? Is that what I want? I must equally be responsible for this unhealthy thing that has happened. I am attached to the outcomes and WOW it's fucking painful & feels unattainable. So huge sigh. I am just going to take care of myself today and let space come between us from a place of love. I'm going to let it go for right now. I'm going to do my work and eventually talk to my sponsor. One thing I learned from this new sponsor is that we walk side by side with people in these programs...side by side....and this work is supposed to help me. I know she is being my teacher right now but it is causing me distress and I can't sleep. So this isn't helping my sobriety. It's okay I can feel it will be okay but not today. Oh boy. Well. I just got SO TIRED. Gotta exercise - keep up my strength as it gets cold out. Get out in that fresh air! Move my muscles and bounce my cells around so my immune system is pumping. Yup. Yuuuuuuuuup. Bye.
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The Core of Me.
Well here I am at the end of this blog. It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...
So I meditated, did yoga and ate a healthy meal. Drank my green drink and put my legs upside down. I took my vitamins and supplements and ...
That's all - I'm just frustrated and tired and it smells gross in here. I need to manifest better head shots into my life. I got t...
We are in islip to go to the beach - we stayed overnight in a hotel and it's so much fun. I brought my iPad so I am able to write on he...