Saturday, January 12, 2019

It's My Birthday!!!

No it's not I just wanted attention.  Anyway - hi!  I am at home on the couch.  It's freezing out and I could not sleep last night.  My guy woke me up out of the craziest dream so I didn't get enough sleep once I did go to sleep.  What is my point?  Oh that's why I am home on the couch.  I have been taking care of myself though.  Prayed, meditated, ate a healthy breakfast, took my vitamins and I'm writing a little bit.  I have stuff to do today and an audition to do too.  Yeah I have this cold I can't shake which is probably not crazy at all given this year and a half.  So what's up with me?  I am so brain fogged today and I have no idea why.  I ate very healthy yesterday although on Thursday - wait what?  No not Thursday - Wednesday?  Yes on Wednesday I had McDonald's.  Is it possible I am feeling the effects of that 3 days later?  In my brain?  OKAY I AM GOING TO STOP RIGHT THERE.  I have a cold, I need to exercise and I have no fucking clue what is going on.  I felt clearer after I meditated and I will feel clearer after I exercise.  Great.  Good!  I am obsessed with Anthony William - the Medical Medium.  OBSESSED.  I really think I have had some form of Epstein-Barr Virus for a long, long time.  Okay but let's just say I don't and I just had cancer and I am still tired from that and treatment.  Okay fine.  Let's say I just got cancer from letting my ex-husband slap me in the boob 35 times one night & not Epstein-Barr.  Maybe!  But the solution for the Epstein-Barr that he is suggesting is a wonderful solution for my body.  Or rather it's wonderful things for my body - anybody's body!  Fruits and vegetables - you know - all the healthy things.  A different combination of supplements but - well anyway - it can't hurt to do more juicing and eat more vegetables.  I started this morning juicing celery.  So I'm going for it.  Time to exercise.  Sigh.  HA.  Love you Bluebie byeeeeee.

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The Core of Me.

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