Friday, October 3, 2014


I got a mammogram this morning and it hurt SO FUCKING BAD.  Ha.  I'm saying Ha because a newcomer to AA got all excited when I said I was having one and decided to help me through the process by giving me the COMPLETE rundown of how one goes, how it doesn't hurt - what exactly happens - don't be scared....So I went in there thinking it was just going to be a "tight squish" of my boobs - that's all and OH MY GOD!!!  How the fuck are those women who do porn DOING THAT?  It was laughable so totally painful.  I really am glad I was so relaxed because holy shit.  Anyway - I did it and I went to another doctor's appointment and I'm almost all caught up on doctor's appointments.  I just filled out a job survey for Tiffany's - I applied to a job and then they sent me this questionnaire - I don't know - it took me like 40 minutes to fill it out!  Ugh - I just want a job and health insurance already.  Already?  Well yeah - yes I do.  Holy shit I'm tired.  I went to a meeting, met my acting teacher and worked on an audition for Monday - yeesh - busy day off.  Anyway - sooooo I need to go to therapy now.  Okaaaay - so it's day 1857.  Pretty amazing right?  It's a good day.  Love you Bluebie bye!

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...