Thursday, March 6, 2014


Note to self - when I "feel" something going on with another person - don't try to figure it out, then figure out how to fix it and then talk to them about it.  HA - what?  So fucking alanonic.  Anyway - I have been busy the last couple of days, meetings, rehearsal with The Royal Douche from class (and it was a great rehearsal actually- finally able to focus on the WORK and not his doucheness - that's not nice but true and my own issues blah, blah, blah) a dance class, a show an audition and working.  SO WONDERFUL!!  It's still freezing and I'm tired but I feel so grateful to be so busy.  Okay so I want to focus on recovery today.  Oh and steaming new clothes that came in.  Okay - well - I'm going to where he lives tonight to see the guy.  But I have to get my taxes done early in the a.m. so no hanky panky.  Who says that??  LOVE YOU BLUEBIE BYE.

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The Core of Me.

Well here I am at the end of this blog.  It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...