Thursday, July 26, 2012
Rainy day and I put together a dresser - twice.
Listen I might not be able to put together something perfectly the first time around - but the second?? Not so bad. I finally put it together mostly - I still have to put the door on but I built the drawers and I got the whole thing put together sturdily. When I put the first drawer together last night I just held it in my lap in awe. An actual sturdy, little drawer. When I slid it into place and it actually slid easily in and out of the - whatever the fuck it's called - haha - j - it was labeled j - or i actually - I was AMAZED. I had to put the frame together twice because I was trying to hammer the whole thing together when there were big huge gaps in it when it occurred to me that it shouldn't be that hard. Plus the hammering wasn't working. I had put the cam locks in before I was supposed to so there was nowhere for the screws to go. AMAZING. I never really understood what algebra was for until I started to put together this little dresser. It's cute too!! I realized last night how wonderful it is to be able to have a sink that I can wash my face in. It's wide enough - my one at Creepy's was so tiny - beautiful but tiny. I always missed half my face and got water everywhere. So like my whole experience in that house. TOTALLY gorgeous and completely not functional. Okay - gorgeous, not funtional and totally weird and awful. That poor sink wasn't weird and awful - just not functional. Ha - WOW. I walked through Central Park yesterday on my way home from work - it was such a beautiful day. It was sunny, breezy and so fresh and green in the park. An old woman in a wheel chair scooted out of the grass and said to me "Excuse me - do you mind giving my dog some water?" She had a bowl in a bog and a bottle of water (I did ask her if she had water because I didn't have any) then she proceeded to give me very specific instructions and poor Max only drank like two drinks and then went back and sat on the grass. He licked my leg - he was cute and she was actually really nice and healthy despite scooting around in a chair. I mean she was definitely old - 80 at least but she had nice teeth and nice skin. As I walked away in my head I was like "DID ANYONE SEE ME HELP HER??? I HELPED AN OLD WOMAN WATER HER DOG!!!!" Jesus - I had to stop myself from posting it on facebook. That being said - people really see me coming man. People are always asking me for help. At least now that I'm sober I actually want to help them. I also bought a rotisserie chicken on my way home and ate that and a salad I made at home for dinner. I HAVE A FRIDGE. I feel like I am living in the lap of luxury have a fridge again. It was the most delicious meal and it was so cheap and easy. I'm shaking my head right now - amazing. I walked through the park near where I live also. Um not Central Park but still nice. Now if I can just unpack my books and deal with the cat pee smell once and for all - that would be amazing. I'm starving - time for more food!! I had a blueberry Greek yogurt at home this morning with fresh raspberries and fresh blueberries. Um - again - what???? Amazing. Bye Blueberry!! I love you!! OH MY GOD!! I also watched Confessions of a Dangerous Mind!!! How did I never see that?? Completely ridiculous really - so can't be true but I LOVE that he wrote that. Fascinating.
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