Saturday, August 13, 2011
Well they were not fucking kidding when they said
it would be a long, slow recovery. They should call it a long, slow, the longer, then it feels like you aren't changinging, almost halted, what the fuck am I doing recovery. Last night was such a nightmare at the comedy club. I had these 4 "guys" the last show who not only toook their check and hid it (I'm not fucking kidding - like this would make them not have to pay their bill) but THEN had the balls to be COMPLETE douches about paying. Do you know what made me finally stop being upset? One of them gave me a gift card for 25 dollars and his regular credit card to charge 15 dollars on. WELL the gift card didn't go through so I put all of it on his regular credit card and told him the gift card was declined. He freaked out and in his chubby Australian accent said "No way is that card declined - it's a trust fund!! It's a trust fund car!!! Do you know what that is?? A trust fund - it can't be declined - no way!!!" And at that point I could no longer take him even remotely seriouly. No you stupid so clearly do not actually have a trust fund douche bag - I have no idea what a trust fund is - please explain. The after they paid and he was in my face I said "Sir please get away from me - you are making me very uncomfortable" he said "You owe me 10 dollars and I'm going to call the cops - THE SECRET SERVICE!!!" The bouncer was like go ahead and call them sir - please - call the secret service and tell them you are mad because you had to actually pay your bill. Can you believe I am writing this? It for some reason scared me but it also made me so mad because they had money and they were being bullies and douches. And he was so chubby and Australian and faggy (I'M SORRY!!) and in my face. He kept asking for a balloon for his drinks. One of the tables next to them came up to me and said "They are totally trying to scam you - they have the check in their pocket and were talking about not paying the whole time." Anyway - okay let's put this past us Blueberry. The manager woman who always makes me upset was their last night and SHE makes me so upset. I'm not sure why. Part of it is my victimy mentality which is still so strong in me. The other part is the fact that she's just - ugh - I don't know. This isn't good - I should stop. Okay - what is good? I made money - I took a shower today - walked the dog and I have on a clean, pretty dress, make-up and cute jewelry from here. I need to go to like 3 meetings tomorrow. How about some eggs? I had some cherries about some delicious eggs and coffee. Bye Bluebie - looooove youie.
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