beautiful. I am having my coffee and I'm going to meditate soon. I really need that so much. Oh dear I feel uncomfortable typing - I feel as though the landlord is listening. I had not such great dreams last night so I woke up kind of out of it. Oh I just realized I'm very in need of prayer and meditation. I fed the dog and I just need to get myself together - I have time. These doubles are very stressful. The landlord and his boyfriend are getting birds. He bought 2 giant bird cages. By bird cages I mean palaces. They are ornate and crazy looking. The poor bird is going to be like - what the fuck?? I don't know - maybe that is exactly where a bird wants to live. Oh dear. One of the cages came in a giant crate - it looks like a person was shipped or an exotic animal. I asked him what kind and he said a canary. He wants to put a canary in a bird house made for the most spoiled 12 parrots. Hilarious. Seriously so ridiculous. I wonder if I can find a picture. I'm suddenly so turned off by show business. I'm so not into comedy or any of it anymore. How bizarre. I'm such a sensitive creature. Is that it? I just want to go to the beach and work. What? I don't know. Well right now I do know - I'm not into it at all. I spoke to Larni and it's all good. I was very nice and kind. Okay I found the birdcage - this is it exactly - it's an antique - he loves antiques. Seriously he must have been so fucking high when he got these things. He hasn't even put the one together yet that came in the crate. Jeez. I have to go. I'm very resistant today. Grumpers. Bye Blueb - thanks for being here.
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