Monday, August 19, 2019

New Jobs.

I'm working at a new job.  I miss the other kids so much but the new kids are so cool and I booked an acting job that I'm at right now.  It was a long trip but I memorized my lines for the play I'm in so I used my travel time well.  I had to wake up at 5:00 so I am sooooo tired but I went to bed early last night so it's okay.  I feel like I should go to the gym but I also literally want to go to bed and it's still light out.  Okay it's really early.  I wish I could walk outside - I wonder if I could?  I can't figure out how the phone works in my room!  It's cordless and yeah - don't get it.  Anyway I am here and it's so fucking awesome!  In general I am feeling so much better and I can do so much more without getting overwhelmingly exhausted.  I really took my time packing and getting ready and I still forgot to bring some tea with me.  Darn.  It's okay - I will get better at this part.  Also I will be able to bring more food with me like - meals not just snacks.  The food here looks SO GOOD but it's all brie wheels and double cheeseburgers - whoa.  Like fancy double cheese burgers but still.  So anyway.....I had an impossible burger or it's called a beyond burger and it was GOOD.  Which means it's probably totally unhealthy but at least it was vegan.  OKAY.  So.  So that's what I got going on - just new jobs and moving on into my weird.....10 years ago at this time I was still drinking...I was trying so hard to stop...going to meetings and I had cut back sooooooo much and I had cut back sooo much on pot.  It was still a problem and I was a mess.  God I am so fucking grateful right now that I am sober.  I mean all the time I am but to be able to do what I love again is mind-blowing to me.  If you told me 10 years ago I would be able to do this again I don't think I would have believed it.  I mean if you told me I would get cancer, get so sick, go bald and then everything would get even better I really would NOT HAVE BELIEVED THAT SHIT.  Okay well it did and YAY.  Today is a good day and I am going to make it better by exercising.  I'm reading Liver Rescue by the medical medium and it's so crazy.  Good crazy.  OH - it's all about the fat?  Did you know that?  Yup - fats not good.  WHO KNEW.  I guess all the people who don't eat a lot of fat.  I did just have potato chips but OH WELL.  Haha ugh I am laughing but I really don't eat them like EVER anymore.  I used to eat them - everyday.  So.  So don't do that whoever you are.  Eat them once every 6 months or do whatever you want but take it from me - my diet of potato chips and peanut m&m's was not successful.  Okay getting in my workout clothes and going to the gym.  xoxo!

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The Core of Me.

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