Sunday, February 5, 2012
so Princess Boris The Turd is out of the psych ward and creepy came up to my room to say he (Princess) is going to stop drinking for awhile and that they will see a counselor this week. So everything is going to be fine. Ummmm - riiiight. So - well - there you go. They told the poor kid he has paranoid delusions or some shit like that and I felt so awful. He doesn't have paranoid delusions - he's 21 and he's upset. I mean he does seem like an addict to me but that is beside the point. I was so mad last night. Plus Creepy was in his (Barf) bathrobe when he was talking to me and he kept standing way to close to me and getting closer. I kept backing up and then I folded my arms around myself like a shield and I was so annoyed!! If someone kept backing up from me AND crossing their arms like a freak AND exhibited CLEAR signs of uncomfortableness I would thing "Oh - holy shit - I am being really aggressive and freaking this person out - maybe I should back the fuck up." That being said I also could have said and had every right to say "Please back up - you are making me very uncomfortable and you are in my personal space." I can say that - I am not a victim of these people - it is not my fault and I have nothing to do with them nd I have every right to feel uncomfortable when a Creepy person in a bathrobe is near me and is CREEPING me out. He had stubble on his face and clearly had been in bed all day and at one point he picked something off the belt of the bathrobe - like just a hair or I have no idea what. But with his long fingernails and creepy hands and the way he so casually picked this thing off like he had on a $2000.00 suit - like he was completely groomed - was so fucking weird. It just really bothered me. I kept seeing him pick off that stupid piece of lint or whatever it was all fucking night. He also said that he would buy Princess all the cigarettes he wants!!! Just no alcohol. Awesome. I was so mad last night when I got to work. The cigarettes all day under my window - and just the ridiculousness of this situation. Hearing someone insane talk about how someone else is insane is SO crazy. He took no responsibility for the fact that his inability to keep it in his pants is what caused this. So fucking bizarre. Her Lady Wonder told me to do something nice for myself today but money is tight this week. Maybe a nice meal - I can do that. I am giving myself a physical challenge. I am going to do some yoga everyday for 2 months and I am going to do sit-ups everyday and I am going to start swimming again. I feel like in order to get better from these awful jobs and this insane place to live the best thing I can do is - just get better. It's so crazy - I don't know what else to do. I'm so fucking bored. I can clean and wash my sheets today. Big Superbowl day. I have a feeling these guys won't be watching it. Okay - I'm going to pray and meditate. Bye Bluebie - I love you.
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The Core of Me.
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