I worked on my monologue for class and I walked through the farm and went to the pond in the woods and did the monologue all over the place. I made this place Spoon River. It was really helpful and freeing. I will do more in the morning when it isn't so cold. My Mom and I went to the beach and of course it was GORGEOUS and freezing!! The z in freezing. No z and it's freeing. Don't stop for the z and you're free. I made my mother laugh telling her all about Princess Turd and Creepy and all their drama. I also told her about my second audition for class and I told her all about the class. After I told her about my second audition she said "Oh I hope you are writing this all down" and I realized - I'm not. I should be keeping a better rehearsal journal and I should be writing more on here. So here is what happened at the second audition - when I auditioned for the master teacher. I went in - he told "You can be charming later" and I did my monologue. He said "Oh you picked the SHORTEST monologue - why?" I explained why and then we worked together and as we discussed working on characters - I said "I love being in a character and being surprised by what they say - by what happens" and he said "Yes!!" Then I said "Oh I have this character **(*&^IE that I do and I am always surprised by her." He said "Great - let's do it" I did it - we spoke to each other while I was in character - I did a show for him (her art) and it was fun. He called the man out from backstage who is my teacher now and we also spoke. Now I am in class with that man and learning from the older man even though he isn't really there. Got it? Lord - let me forget my z's and become free. My teacher now keeps saying "Don't edit yourself as an artist!!" Yeesh - that's all I do - or all I used to do. Now it is changing. It's all so pretty here even in the winter. I'm excited to work on this more tomorrow - I mean my monologue. I am typing on my Mother's laptop but my light is a big red flashlight - the industrial kind. She thinks it is so hilarious and clever that she uses this instead of a lamp. She just told me a story of when she was a teenager and dumped peroxide on her head (she just took it out of the medicine cabinet and was like oh - what would this do??) before bed and nothing happened so she went to sleep and her mother came to wake her up in the morning and screamed because her hair was white. Then she went to school and everyone was on silent meditation so none of the nuns could say anything to her but kept doing double takes. They had to wear blue beanies for the meditation also and she kept trying to pull hers over her (newly) blonde (very) hair but it wasn't working. Sooooo this is where I get it from!!!! She just dumped an entire bottle of peroxide on her head and went to sleep!!! Haaaahhahahaa!! I totally get it. I'm going to go eat some homemade chicken pot pie. I told Creepy that the dog and I were going on a doggie date and that we would be back. I think he could actually tell I was lying!! He's a professional liar so I guess he could tell. Whatev's - I felt safer this way. I am going to actually go LOOK at buildings I might want to live in this week. Somehow, someway. I am totally stalling on doing tis ammends. K - byeeeee.
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