in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. Well - thank you to my dear sister for leaving me a wonderful message with that quote. I thought life was about being angry and resentful, eating too much and complaining. Ha!! Not a lot of movement there!!! WOW. What a great quote!! I can feel how true that is. Right now I am all about changing my thoughts by bringing my awareness back to my breath and it is SO hard. So, so, soooo, so, so hard. It is unbelievable (except I knew it) how negative my thoughts are. Negative thinking is so strongly grooved in my brain. Well okay - I know it - I am working on it. That's another of Einstein's quotes, "Watch of you thoughts for they become words,Watch you words for they become actions, watch your actions for they become habits, watch your habits for they become character, watch your character for it becomes your destiny." HOLY SHIT. It's just like The Secret says - it's all about your thoughts and up till now I have had very little control over mine. Or so I thought. I am totally loosing my focus right here. I have things I need to do and it's beautiful outside - I want to go out and enjoy it. Okay - my mind is blown once again!! I will write more later. I got a massage last night. I can't even believe I WANT to do something like that - much less do it. Amazing. Okay - bye Bluebie - I love you!!
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