It makes me so happy to realize that they really loved each other or at least were so hot for each other that they got married and made babies. I mean I think I thought they were never really in love or that - I don't know - she got duped into marrying him somehow. Ha - not so much. Ahh I find human beings so interesting. And I really see the humans that they are now. Life is so hard and it hits some harder than others. Some people really play roles and manipulate, others do and don't. I don't know - I don't know anything except that I feel really blessed to understand where I come from. I feel really blessed to have been able to get to know my parents and move past my childhood. Okay or at least BEGIN to move past my childhood. I am definitely on the ship that is going past my childhood - main destination the present. Sooo anyway Larni is coming over so I have to go. He said something a little snippy to me on the train yesterday and I stood up for myself and then he called me later and said that that was so great that I did that. THAT is so much easier than letting it fester for 5 months right? That is a Taoist thing - "take care of the few before it becomes many." Byeeee Blueberry!!!
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