Friday, August 28, 2015
but thrilled. Well maybe thrilled is the wrong word - fascinated? I am fascinated at things moving in a different direction. I did that show Wednesday and managed to get myself to that extra work yesterday on time and get a decent night's sleep and get myself back here to the store today. I mean I guess - what? I forgot what I was going to write. Im not sure if extra work is really for me- holy shit it's crazy. Anyway. What again? Im a little foggy and having trouble with negative thinking. I have 3 more weeks of working here. Holy shit. I have worked here for 4 years. Long enough to have gone to college again! Im ready to go. I guess. I feel like I finally just - you know what? No. Im not going to write how I finally just figured out how to get here, find cheap food blah blah blah. It's time to move on!!! 3 years ago!!! Haha - at least 2!! WOW. Um - I love you? Hahaha Im crazy right now. I made my coffee SO strong this morning - lord Im going to crash. Love you Bluebie bye.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Oh boy.
I got a new job. I went for the interview, trained the next day and they hired me. I gave her my notice here at the store - and she never wrote me back. I even ASKED her if she got the email. It's so ironic because I started to doubt my decision. I went to an audition yesterday and when I came back I walked a different way than I normally do and I was like "Oh I love this area - oh it's so pretty right here oh I'm going to miss this." UM WHAT? Anyway so her ignoring me completely is helping. I just need to get out of here. I gave her a month but if she doesnt want that - that's fine. WOW. Im also getting busier with comedy which is amazing and terrifying. Okay I really cant write anymore - the store has been so crazy busy. OF COURSE. So I love you sweet blog - let's see what happens!
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Burping. Stress. And Love.
Trying to stay positive and working hard but not killing myself. It's so fucking confusing to be honest. I just want to either do comedy 100% of the time or not at all. I mean it is fucking excruciating doing it in a methodical manner. It's practically fucking killing me. Which is where the burping comes in I guess. I mean I can't stop burping. I'm just stressed out. I went on a job interview - I can type 36 words a minute. Man am I skilled or what? On another note I am having these wonderful weekends with the guy - we go to the beach - go visit people - go to meetings - it's amazing. Ugh and then I'm so stressed out? It's crazy. Well it's also hot as fuck - so humid too. I hosted a show last night - got home at 1:30 - because someone gave me a ride home - thank GOD. I have been doing sit-ups, some yoga - walking everywhere - changing my eating habits and DEAR GAO - I feel like I have gained weight. What the fuck? See - I can't think positive. Im exhausted. Busy. Busy is good. Anyway - haha - at least I didnt eat a muffin yet. And Im just not able to see how things are going to work out. How can I afford my class? How can I pay my rent? How can I get enough stage time? How can I - I dont know what - live? Save for the future? Stop panicking every time I save more than $20. Isn't that the weirdest thing ever? I get a very real sense of doom whenever I save even the tiniest amount of money. At some point I really need to understand what that is about. I'm tired. I feel so grateful - I was crying last night as I was walking away from the meeting I was at towards where the show was. All the things I got to calmly see as I walked - it just seemed so beautiful. The buildings, an old lady trying to text.....Okay and then as I am writing this some lady from this neighborhood where the store is - walked in with her horrible hair and asked me in sucha cunty passive aggressive voice if we were going out of business. She is a frumpy, dumpy cunt. UGH. SEE HOW GRATEFUL I AM. Unreal - Im terrified of this job ending but I don't like it. Oh she is trying on a scarf that looks like a table cloth. OH MAN I HOPE SHE BUYS IT. Im trying - I swear to God - Im trying. Bye.
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Eat Pretty.
Im reading a book my sister told me to read called Eat Pretty. It's absolutely fantastic - for me. Im also reading Sick In The Head and it's also fabulous. Just a couple more weeks till my anniversary - today I feel better and I am - what? Going to get to it today. Live and get to it. Love you Bluebie bye.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
2 small miracles (for me)
akid was sitting next to me on the subway and he wasn't even man spreading - he just kept brushing his uberly soft skin arm up against mine and it was growiing me out. I felt annoyed and like he should have been the one to adjust himself since I was in the seat first. Whatever - I wanted to get up - or hit him with my bag (one of my favorite subway moves) and/or huff and puff - blah blah blah. All things that would ultimately hurt me. I moved my own arm so I wouldnt have to be picking up on his weird images in my mind (part of the reason I dont like touching strangers to begin with) and just didnt do anything. I just felt annoyed and moved myself. Miracle number 1. HEre's the next one. An older woman came in here - to the store - she's been in here before - shes a racist and shes horrible - she told another customer once to "Go back to the country you came from." I think I wrote about her before. Anyway she came in - went in the dressing room with a dress - pulls the curtain aside and heads towards my water - brand new big bottle of Poland Spring s- the BIG bottle - and says "Can I wash my hands?" I said - "no - we don't have a sink" she says "Cant I use your water?" I said "No! That's my drinking water!" She says - all demanding - "Can't I just have some?" I say okay - fine - I gave her a paper towel - I open the water and I go to pour some on her hands - and she's - ha - trying to catch it and then she just GRABS the bottle AND STICKS HER BIG OLD LADY THUMB in my brand new bottle of water. She gives the fucking bottle a good old rim job and then says thanks. Ha and OMG are you fucking kidding me? Then she asks all sarcastically if I want her to buy me another water. "Do you want me to go get you another water?" Anyway - this is the point. By the time she left - and had driven 2 other customers away - I had decided the owner of the store is buying me a new bottle of water right? I BLAMING the owner for this. I go to grab money out of the cash box and then - then it just felt so uncomfortable. I was like - no - no Im just going to go for a walk instead and take money out of the bank, throw this water out and get a new water. Listen - I know I will have old lady thumbs one day very soon and I know I could have probably just drank the water. She also could have just gone and BOUGHT me a water - she didnt need to ask me 75 times. She's a horrible person. However - I ultimately said yes - to giving her some water to begin with - I didnt need to. It wasn't the owner's fault! I wasn't going TO STEAL money to buy another bottle of water. I mean I really had to stop myself. Listen I hate being responsible for my own feelings it sucks. But Im not going to be thief because some racist old cunt was pushier than I was prepared to deal with. Whatever - I guess it's 2 very small wins. Miracles? I still have pms - love you Bluebie bye.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Just a thought.
I was walking to a show last night - I had blisters on my feet from walking around all day - I was tired and feeling the show might not be worth it. Then I thought - "be positive - this is fun- it's China Town - it's an adventure - this is great - it's nyc - Im so happy to be here - this is great" and then my feet stopped hurting and my whole body felt different. that's all - just a thought. So powerful. Love you Bluebie bye.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Soooooo - I did a show last night that was - I dont know - fun but I lost focus. Someone's phone rang and then a bunch of drunk guys came in. The good part was there WAS a show and I didn't completely bomb and a new joke Im working on is doing well. This is the bad part. I only seem to do really well if I practice 500 times before I go up. Honest to GAWD - I dont know if I can do that - I really don't. Okay and I am fucking starving right now. Ugh and sigh. Well anyway - um - what the fuck is my point? Am I seriously complaining that I cant somehow be magically good at something without trying? HA - yes - yes I am. OKAY. Well - good - now if I cant keep myself from destroying my relationship while I'm at it that would be wonderful too. Jesus. I forgot my phone this morning and had to go back for it. I made a choice - that being that I would rather be late than TORTURE myself all day worried about who may or may not be calling me. I wasnt even that late is the crazy thing. Omg WHAT the fuck am I writing about? I have pms. I need to go eat something healthy before I order a burger. Love you bye.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Day 2161.
Wow - I just realized my 6 year anniversary is coming up fairly soon. Beginning in September - oh duh - September 3rd - one month from today. WOW. That at this very moment seems mind blowing to me. Okay so the weekend was good - but the week was rough. I have been having a rough time although I went to the beach yesterday and today I got to put a mud mask on my whole upper body and relax before the guy drove me home. I just made myself lunch which was lovely and in a couple of hours I'm going to go for a walk in the park and go to a meeting. I did a show over the weekend that was reasonable good - I worked a lot on it - wrote, re-wrote and practiced it a ton of times. Now I'm just waiting to see the recording which I do hope is indeed going to happen. Haha - somehow I have a feeling it didn't work or something. Well - whatever - it was good and the hard work paid off. I need to figure out my week. I don't know. I'm going to try to go to some clubs - some other places where I don't usually go. Ugh - terrifying. So fucking scary. Okay - maybe 2 open mics and 2 clubs to visit. There - that's what I'm going to do. Holy shit it's hot in my apartment. The guy is great and well - patient. I just - I'm - ugh - I just get annoyed and upset - him not being divorced yet, my job ending - haha - having no money. Oh but seriously blah, blah blah. I'm so fucking grateful to be sober. Sober and in alanon. Even if I am super uncomfortable and feeling shame & humiliation on a consistent basis (ha) - at least I'm not pissing on myself and throwing up every morning from my own doing. And yelling at people. I yelled at people so much. When I was drinking and the first 3 years of my sobriety and 3 weeks ago. Oye. Okay - love you Bluebie bye.
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The Core of Me.
Well here I am at the end of this blog. It's a little bittersweet because I am not sure I would have done it if they hadn't changed...
So I meditated, did yoga and ate a healthy meal. Drank my green drink and put my legs upside down. I took my vitamins and supplements and ...
That's all - I'm just frustrated and tired and it smells gross in here. I need to manifest better head shots into my life. I got t...
We are in islip to go to the beach - we stayed overnight in a hotel and it's so much fun. I brought my iPad so I am able to write on he...